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Warriors Guide to Breathwork

Jul 15, 2022

Breathing is one of the most convenient resources we have for caring for our body's needs.  Obviously, without oxygen, you die, but luckily it literally everywhere.  You can learn to manipulate the way your body takes in and releases air and it can have an extraordinary impact on how you feel.  

Right now, observe how you're breathing without changing anything.  Just notice for a few breaths, what's moving? How deep in your lungs does the air naturally go?  

Now take a deep breath.  What happened? What parts of your torso moved with your inhale and exhale this time? What was the temperature of the air as your breathed in compared to as it left with your exhale? Did you feel any differently after you took a deep breath?

What you just experienced in these few moments of paying attention to your body is called presence. this is one-way breathwork is so freaking effective.  It's an anchor.  Something to grab onto when our mind is racing a million miles an hour.   

My grandfather used to say, "your brain can only think of one thing at a time".  It is true, try to think of two things exactly simultaneously.  It's impossible.  You can think of multiple things close to the same time, but you still must jump back and forth between them.  So, if you put your mind on your breath, you can take a tiny break from everything else that is happening in your mind and world.

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